Tag Archives: defense attorney

State of Oregon vs. Ramiro Quiroz Hernandez
The Oregon Court of Appeals just issued an important victory for the defense in a case handled by our office. A Washington County judge refused to allow cross-examination of the alleged defendant in a sex case, specifically related to the alleged defendant’s motivation for making a false charge against our client. The criminal defense… Read More »

Should You Enter DUII Diversion?
Sometimes it’s hard to decide whether to enter Diversion or go to trial. On the one hand, you might feel like the police were wrong in the first place. You might be frustrated with how your arrest was done. Maybe things were exaggerated and any signs that you were innocent ignored. On the other… Read More »
Why do i need an attorney?
Some people feel it is unnecessary to hire a Portland criminal defense lawyer because they believe they are innocent and procuring legal representation is not needed. The fallacy with this way of thinking is that, in our adversarial legal system, the only way that people can be assured of having their rights protected is when… Read More »