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More Consequences for DUII


The 2011 Session of the Oregon Legislature continued its tradition of increasing the consequences for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII).

One example includes HB2103, which prohibits any person who enters the DUII Diversion Program on or after June 23, 2011, from using alcohol except for purposes of religious sacrament while in Diversion.

Another example is HB3075, which requires any individual who enters the DUII Diversion Program on or after January 1, 2012, to install an ignition interlock device (IID) as a condition of participating in Diversion.

The only lightening up of consequences for the crime of DUII is found in HB2702, which prohibits the court from denying a petition to enter the DUII Diversion Program on the ground that the applicant is in active military service.

We have helped many clients facing charges of DUII.  Any person who is facing a charge of Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) should consult a qualified Oregon criminal attorney immediately.  There is much that an attorney can do for a person facing a charge of DUII.

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