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Category Archives: Defense Strategy

Three Men Freed After Decades of Being Incarcerated as a Result of Misconduct by the Prosecution

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

After 24 years of wrongful incarceration, Gary Johnson, 46, Rohan Bolt, 59, and George Bell, 44, were released from New York State’s Green Haven Correctional Facility after being unfairly convicted of a double murder in Queens during the 90’s. In December of 1996, a failed armed robbery resulted in the murders of a store… Read More »

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Defending a Drug Cases That Involve Illegal Police

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

When an individual has been stopped by a police officer, they may seek to keep any evidence that is found as a result of the stop, from being used against them. For example, consider if a person is stopped without reason and then taken out of his car and searched. During the search, drugs… Read More »

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“You do have the right to remain silent:” Requirements of a Miranda warning

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

Anyone who has watched a crime drama on television is familiar with the ubiquitous Miranda warning, however, many may not fully understand the history or importance of the rights advisory. The Miranda decision provided a clear rule prohibiting coercion during interrogations (for example, questioning related to a theft or property crime). The warning set… Read More »

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Defense attorney Mark Cogan gets his day in court and beats a speeding ticket

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

Mark Cogan is a well-known defense attorney and savvy enough to know that a defendant needs a good lawyer. And it paid off Friday morning, when a Clackamas County judge dismissed a year-old speeding ticket. Cogan was cited by a photo-radar unit on Southeast McLoughlin Boulevard near downtown Milwaukie in July 2012. That stretch… Read More »

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State of Oregon vs. Ramiro Quiroz Hernandez

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

The Oregon Court of Appeals just issued an important victory for the defense in a case handled by our office. A Washington County judge refused to allow cross-examination of the alleged defendant in a sex case, specifically related to the alleged defendant’s motivation for making a false charge against our client. The criminal defense… Read More »

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Driver's hands on a steering wheel of a car and blue sky with bl


By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

There is hope! There is no doubt about it; when we age, medical issues can be a problem. For some people, their medical difficulties may lead to a suspension or even revocation of their driver’s license. Whether it is because of a temporary or permanent medical condition, a one-time issue, or because of certain… Read More »

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Court-Appointed Attorney vs. Private Attorney part 2

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

Your lawyer is supposed to be your advocate. To advocate means to defend, support or argue for the cause of another person. Some have “heard about court-appointed lawyers” in a negative way. Others are frustrated or disappointed with a court-appointed attorney (public defender) assigned to their case and want to know how a private… Read More »

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Court-Appointed Attorney vs. Private Attorney part 1

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

Deciding between a court-appointed attorney and a private attorney is an important choice for some of our callers and their loved ones. In fact, it can mean the difference between a bright future and one stopped short. A court-appointed attorney (public defender) is paid by tax dollars and assigned to a defendant by the… Read More »

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My Child Is Accused of a Crime part 2

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

“How can I help my child and help his/her lawyer get the best result?” (1)    Make sure your child isn’t speaking about “what happened” with anyone but his/her lawyer. Your child’s school principal, school guidance counselor, or even private therapist is not a legal advocate bound by ethics of the Oregon State Bar and… Read More »

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I’m Guilty, What Can A Defense Attorney Do?

By Mark C. Cogan, P.C. |

An excellent criminal defense attorney can possibly: help lessen your punishment help you stay out of jail or fight for less jail get your case dismissed keep your record clean by fighting for a deferred sentence (call us for details) keep your record clean by fighting for an expungeable conviction (call us for details)… Read More »

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